ADDIS (Artist)
‘Spring Performance’ in progress ...
Please, hold your applause to the
very end…

Unifying Potentials for the Future - Culture for Peace (UPF - Culture for Peace) is a comprehensive initiative that aims to create a dynamic platform for our common sustainable future. It is to architecture a global reach by enabling talented and engaged individuals (as well as institutions and associations) from various fields of culture (science, arts, sports, and the like), to support sustainable balanced and harmonious societies.
The basic tools of the Initiative's activities relate to the design, implementation and realization of projects from different fields of culture, the organisation and support of individual cultural events, the presentation and promotion of artists, scientists and cultural workers, as well as the presentation and promotion of their (peace-related) works and activities.
The interaction of (applied) sciences and arts within the broader environment is a focal content of the activity and the leitmotiv in their implementation.
The basic prerequisite and precondition for the creation, existence and maintenance of societies and organisations oriented towards the advanced peaceful future is the existence (or establishment) of social values ​​in which it primarily and intensively develops, supports and perceives a culture based on the initiation, creation, development and exchange of human ideas, knowledge and talents.
The establishment and enhancement of a peaceful society embedded in the environmental harmony is the only possible way forward, towards a sustainable future. To its biosocial equilibriums, it presupposes the existence of supporting web of culture, creative ideas, skills wisdoms and talents. And vice versa: The culture of supporting various ideas, knowledge and talents, directed towards a sustainable future, presupposes the existence / establishment of a peace society and its organisations.
With our utmost pleasure, we are presenting the next artist
and its
selected work ‘Fall/Autumn’ under the auspices of our project

ADDIS (Artist)
‘Spring Performance’ in progress ...
Please, hold your applause to the
very end…
Asked why – in spring 2021 – the selected work should be a femalely-
shaped sculpture encapsulating the exceptionally struggling body
locomotorics and is named ‘Fall/Autumn’, the artist answered by citing
the famous poet:
Four men leading one man bound / One man whom the four men hound
One man counted bound and led / One man whom the four men dread
(A Text about the Five, M.D.)
Addis (Adis Elias Fejzić), Australian sculptor / visual artist.
He holds a PhD title (Queensland College of Arts, Griffith University,
Brisbane) for the multidisciplinary research on the unique sepulchral
stone sculpture.
Dedicated to the so-called ‘antipodes’, which are often simpl(isticall)y
confronted and defined as ‘figurative’ and ‘abstract’ or as ‘primordial’,
‘classic(al)’, and ‘contemporary’, this artist of protean character has been
developing his sense and expression in communication with various
artistic traditions and styles created from prehistory to the present day.
Addis communicates with the space and time where differences and
oppositions are contrasting but finally complementing each other. Every
single work from his rich opus is a unique and unrepeatable finding of a
new way to interweave artistic and creative, documentary and scholarly,
historic and novel in content and form.
His works in stone, bronze, clay, plaster and concrete as well as his
paintings, drawings, prints, designs, bricolage and installations are
regularly exhibited on several continents. His stone monolith (Stećak)
decorates the entrance of the Australian Parliament in Canberra – an
honour given to exceptionally few artists, not only in Australia but
anywhere in the world. (www.addis-aef.com.au/)

The project "’Culture’ for sustainable future: art/artists in fore- and background" is conceptualized as a long-term, gradually evolving and enlarging, message of visual arts.
The content of this message should correspond to a specific topic (as the central constant of the long-term cycle):
"Sustainable Future - quo vadis: Process, metamorphosis, directions of movement (motion) of matter and spirit as essential building elements of being (existence)".
The very message senders are artists from all over the world, from different fields of visual arts (sculpture, painting, photography, design) with their chosen works that reflect/express the above stated theme.
The works will be presented as a front posting (on the start-page of this website), and will rotate during the year, changing every two months. In that way the artwork presented will be the first visual impression of the ‘Culture for Peace’ website.
The artworks themselves will be exhibited within the Culture for Peace project at annual exhibitions and presentations of the project (in various countries as well as annual in-house exhibitions).
The content of the project will thus create interaction between wider audiences and artists with their respective works from different corners of the world.
The ultimate goal is to provide an open stage, a platform for the artists' inspirations, works and messages that initiate (inter)actions between authors and audiences – all aimed at the creation of a pacific and balanced society as a sine qua non for our planetary sustainable future.

Project ‘Narratives of Hope: Applied Science in the culture’ gives a floor to experts from different scientific and cultural fields. The leitmotiv of all topics, irrespectively from their thematic or performing diversity, is clearly set: Sustainable futures. In the closing, rep-up segment of these events, a microphone (for Q&A) always goes to young generation. For all the others in audience that is an opportunity to listen and get inspired – by words (or performances) of experts. It is a novel journey by content and style through the challenging and engaging topics facing the forthcoming generations.

Global Master Program of the US SIT University, during its European semester, paid a visit to Vienna, Austria.
By co-hosting a week-long visit for its students and professors, Culture for Peace organised the cultural diplomacy segment of this content intensive Master program. It included the half-day visit to the UN Vienna and the working lunch exchanges there, visit to and the special Culture for Peace lecture at the famous ‘Haus der Musik’ as well as the Vienna’s Historical Museum. Elaborate presentations on cultural and historical legacy and the meanings of Vienna, Austria and central Europe as well as the historio-cultural city sightseeing mesmerised all. Accenting the diplomacy of cultures as a useful, affordable but highly effective tool of communication, understanding, rapprochement and cooperation was successfully demonstrated to the participants by the Culture for Peace lead team.
Additionally, the Global Master Program in Vienna included visits to and talks with the (heads and staff of) Diplomatic Mission of the US and of Switzerland, the EU Delegation, OSCE, OPEC Fund, Outer Space Agency, WASSENAR and the World Energy Council.
The highlight of the Program was surely visit to the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens and the 2-hour long talk with the President of Austria (2004-2016), Dr. Heinz Fischer.

Culture for Peace
Vienna International Center (UNoV)
Wagramerstr. 5 (Pf. 0022)
A – 1400 Vienna